Sunday, November 18, 2007

Driving Miss Daisy

So in the last few days I have seen some pretty funny stuff while driving around town.

The other day I was coming home from Starbucks and was so tired that I don't remember ANYTHING from the drive home except for this lady behind me. I thought she was having convulsions but no no no she was just "feelin' " whatever song was on the radio. I could not stop laughing. I am sure that people were looking at me like I was just as much of a loser as the chick driving behind me. But seriously it was SO SO funny.

Tonight I had to go to Fred Meyer to pick up groceries to make my salad for the Young Life Turkey Day dinner (and thanks to the awesome salad dressing idea I got from Peggy Camp...thanks by the way...I will have the best and maybe only salad in the joint). On the way home I was driving behind this guy that had a 30 inch flat screen with a S-N-Double O-P D-O-Double G video complete with dancing girls. It took me about a half mile of trying to catch up to this yahoo to figure out what was playing. It was totally distracting. Just like that huge flashing billboard on I-5...I hate that thing. I almost didn't stop at the light when the car kept going.

So if you ever drive past me and I look like a goober or you are distracted by something in my car (or just my good looks)...know that you should call me and tell me to stop perplexing your driving skills.


Erin said...

Hey you! I love watching those people that are WAY too into their music - it cracks me up too. Just think of it as free entertainment I suppose! So which salad did you make for the dinner? (I think I tried a little of EVERYTHING! - ugg - I was so full last night that I had to take my pumpkin pie home...which made for a tasty lunch today, I might add!)

Christina Johnson said...

I just read your Jet City Improv post... That was were Ben and I had our first date, we LOVE that place! We'll all have to go up one night!